Refund - Quebec resident (RQ)
You should receive any refund to which you are entitled:
- Within 14 working days, if you file your tax return
- Within four to six weeks, if you file your tax return by
Note: Revenu Québec starts processing returns at the
beginning of March. Please wait until the beginning of April before
contacting them to obtain information, even if you filed your
return in January. If you file your return after March 31, wait
four weeks before contacting Revenu Québec.
Processing status of your income tax return
If you wish to get information on the processing status of your
income tax return, you may use Revenu Québec's "View Your Income
Tax Return Information for the Current Year" Note that you must
be registered for Revenu Québec's "My Account" in order to
use their online services:
Note that you must be registered for Revenu Québec's "My
Account" in order to use their online services:
If you are not registered, you can use the "Refund
Info-Line" service, which will allow you to obtain information
online or by telephone.
ID: 20200204144932DE.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20200204144932DE.htm