Age amount
If you were 65 years of age or older on December 31st and
your net income (line 23600 of your
return) was less than the base amount prescribed by
the CRA, you could be entitled to this non-refundable tax
The program will automatically calculate this credit; there is
no need for any entries within the "Interview" section to
trigger the calculation. If your net income
(line 23600 of your return) is higher
than the base amount prescribed by the CRA, the amount claimed will
be reduced.
To view how this credit is calculated, click on the "Tax
return" tab and, in the column located on the left-hand
side of the screen, select the form "Worksheet
(Federal)". On the page located to your right, refer to
the details of the calculations performed for
line 30100.
You may be entitled to transfer all or part of your age amount
to your spouse or common-law partner. Conversely, you may be
entitled to claim all or part of his or her age amount. UFile will
perform this transfer between spouses automatically without the
need for additional entries.
Federal Schedule 2 will be
generated by the program and will defer the amount
of line 32600 of your spouse's federal
For more information, please consult the following links:
ID: 20200930121657NA.xml
Webpage: KPA340-20200930121657NA.htm