Account - No activity (timeout)
For your security, we have enabled a session timer. If there is
no activity after 15 minutes, you will recieve a popup warning
window, warning you that we are about to end your session. At this
point you can cancel the time out counter. If you allow the counter
to count to 0, we will log you out. Please remember this is for
your security and we apologize if this might have caused you an
Unfortunately there is no way for us to save the page you were
last on if you are timed out. If you have to step away from
your computer in the middle of preparing your return, we suggest
you click "save" or click "next"
to ensure the data is saved in the event
that you are timed out.
ID: 20080610152711SUXXX.xml
Webpage: KPW130-20080610152711SU.htm