Tax credit for home-support services for seniors -
Advanced payment received by spouse (RL-19)
You have the first name (family head) in the program
and your spouse have requested and received the advance
payments for the tax credit for home-support services for
seniors. In order to account for these amounts and
generate Quebec Schedule J, please follow the
steps below:
1. On the left-side menu of the
" Interview " tab of the family head's
file, select ''Senior home support''.
2. On the right-hand side, choose the line that applies to your
situation. However, as the family head, keep in mind that you
cannot choose in your file the "Credit for home-support services
- no calculation (advanced payment same as tax credit)" option.
You must complete the whole page according to the information
displayed on the lease.
3. Then, return to the left side menu on the
" Interview " tab, select "Quebec tax
credits", and on the right-hand side of the screen, choose
the option "Sharing tax credits between spouses on Quebec
Schedules B, C, J and P".
4. On the new page generated, online entitled "Quebec -
Schedule J - Home support", select "Give all claims to
spouse" from the drop-down menu and then click
"Next" at the bottom of the page.
5. In the spouse's file, make sure that you've entered the
amount in Box D of the RL-19 slip. To do so, in
the left side menu on the " Interview " tab,
select "Other information slips" and on the right-hand side
of the screen, choose "RL-19 - Advance payments".
In the spouse's return, an amount will be reported by
the program on line 441 and another amount on line 458. Note
that the amounts may not match. If you verify the calculation table
of Quebec's Schedule J, you will notice that the amounts that were
paid are calculated according to criteria established by Revenu
For more information, please consult the following link :
ID: 20210915114430CA.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20210915114430CA.htm