How to claim medical expenses - What expenses can
you claim ?
The most common medical expenses are as follows:
- payments made to a dentist, a nurse, a physician, a public
hospital, or a licensed private hospital for dental, medical, or
paramedical services.
- payment of a prescription drug purchased only if prescribed by
a doctor or a dentist and obtained from a licensed pharmacist.
Generally, you can claim all amounts paid, even if they were not
paid in Canada.
We recommend that you obtain your receipts from the pharmacist
for the medications that were purchased during the tax
All family members should have the same « Last date of
medical expenses (dd-mm-yyyy) » date, ideally
on December 31 of the tax year, although it is possible to claim
expenses for the previous year. For example, if the last date is on
March 3 of a prior year, you can claim up to March 2 of the current
year. All family members must respect these same
To claim these medical expenses, please follow the steps
1. On the « Left-side menu of the Interview
tab », select the item « Medical, disability,
caregiver » and on the page to the right, click on
the plus "+" icon to the right of
the line « Medical expenses ».
2. On the page that appears in the « First
section », entitled « Medical expenses »,
in the first places indicate the last payment date in the format
« DD-MM-YYYY » and enter medical expenses
such as prescription drugs, dental expenses, eyesight examination
fees and others. If you wish to add lines, on the right-hand side
of the page, click « Add another + » and another
line will be added.
3. On the page « Medical expenses », the
« second section » deals with Quebec residents who
paid for medical care in Quebec that were not available within 200
kilometres of the locality where their home was located.
You can consult the following link:
4. Also on the page « Medical expense », the
« third section » covers specified expenses
« Specified medical expenses (not claimed
elsewhere) ».
5. As for the « fourth section », this section
deals with Quebec residents who contributed to the Quebec
Prescription Drug Insurance last year. From the drop-down
menu, choose « Federal only (usual cases) » and
enter the amount you paid last year for the RAMQ. However, if you
changed your « Last date of medical expenses
(dd-mm-yyyy) » you must choose « Federal and
Québec » and enter the amount paid the previous
However, if you used the same software last year, the amount
will be carried over automatically by the program.
Note: The "Maple Leaf" icon which appears on the right side of a
field indicates that you can enter, if applicable, an
amount for another jurisdiction that differs from the
federal amount.
1. First, enter the federal amount. If you have no federal slip
in respect of that amount, type in the first field $0.00.
2. Then, click on the "Maple Leaf" icon.
3. A box will be automatically generated for another jurisdiction,
where you can enter the appropriate amount.
For more information on medical expenses, consult the following
For the CRA:
For Revenu Québec:
ID: 20211013092650DE.xml
Webpage: KPA370-20211013092650DE.htm