Taxable benefit - Federal and/or Quebec
You have probably received from your former employer a
Quebec RL-1 slip (Relevé 1) for the premium that was paid for your
medical insurance plan which is taxable in Quebec, as well as a T4
slip for other benefits that are taxable at the federal level, with
amounts displayed in Boxes 14 and 40. In order to enter these
amounts, please use the following steps:
1- In the "Left side menu on the Interview
tab", select "T4 and employment income" and on the
screen that appears on the right, for residents of other provinces
and territories, choose the line ''T4 income (earned in any
provinces except Quebec). For Quebec residents, choose the line
"T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned in Quebec" and enter
the amounts that correspond to the boxes found on your T4 and RL-1
For example:
- T4, Box 14: $750.00
- RL-1, Box A: $2,950.00
- T4 Boxes 16 or 17: $0,00
- RL-1 Box I: $0.00
- RL-1, Box J: $2,200.00
- T4, Box 40: $750.00
-RL-1 Box L $750.00
For Quebec residents, if in Box G of the RL-1 an
amount of $0.00 is displayed, choose the option "Exempt CPP/QPP
(rare)" from the drop-down menu on your right for Box 28.
However, for residents of other provinces, if in box
26 of the T4 an amount of $ 0,00 is displayed, choose the option
"Exempt CPP/QPP (rare)" from the drop-down menu on your
right for Box 28. If no amount is shown in Box G of the RL-1 slip,
do not enter any amount (leave the field blank).
4- If an amount from the RL-1 slip differs from the
amount in the corresponding box of the federal T4 slip, click on
the "Maple Leaf/Fleur de Lys" icon of the corresponding box
and a new box will be displayed where you can enter the amount for
Quebec. This box will only be displayed if you enter the amount for
the federal first.
You must complete the T4 and RL-1 slips as indicated
above, according to your own tax information slips.
Important note:
For residents of Quebec, since January 2012, a new Box 211 for
"RL-1 (211) - Benefit related to previous employment" has
been added to the RL-1 slip. You will find this option in the
section "Other information (click on the triangle to see the
list of choices)", from the drop down menu select "RL-1
(211) - Benefit related to previous employment" and enter the
amount in Box A of the RL-1.
ID: 20200217141005DE.xml
Webpage: KPA390-20200217141005DE.htm