Caregiver not living with a person 18 or over with
an impairment
Since 2018, you can claim a refundable tax credit, if you were
the caregiver of an adult with a severe and prolonged impairment in
mental or physical functions.
You provided care to this person for at least 365 consecutive
days, including at least 183 days in 2021.
You must have helped this person every day, even if they did
not live with you.
To add a dependant to your file, please follow the steps
1. On the line under "Family Members" click on the
"Add dependant" option.
2. On the page that will appear to your right, complete the
"Dependant Identification" page. Please note that it is not
possible to indicate in the field "Marital status" that the
dependant is married or has a common-law spouse, because
you cannot file the tax returns of the couple within
your file. Therefore, in your file, you must choose "single"
as the marital status of the dependant. To file the tax
return of a dependant who has a spouse, you must do it in a
separate family.
3. Even if you must add the dependant to your file to claim
an amount for this person, please know that you are not required to
file his or her tax return along with yours. In the "Dependant
identification" page, on the line "Does this taxpayer
require a tax return?", answer "No" in the field on your
Once you have completed the dependant's information, please
follow these steps:
1. On the Dependant's "Left-side menu of the Interview
tab", select the "Net Income" section.
2. On the page entitled "Dependant's net income",
enter his net federal income on line 236 of his
return and the net income for Quebec located on line 275 of
the Quebec return.
3. Return on the "Left-side menu of the Interview tab"
section on the dependant's file, select "Medical and
4. On the page entitled "Dependant's infirmity and
disability", enter the required information. On this page, you
must indicate that the person has a disability and, to do so, you
must answer the question "Name or description of dependant's
infirmity" and answer other questions.
5. If that person lives in his or her own home, for the
question, "Does the dependant's infirmity provide entitlement to
the Canada caregiver amount?", you must answer "No".
6. To the question, "Does the dependant need assistance
to perform a basic activity of daily living? (Certified by health
professionals on line 46 of form TP-752.0.14-V)", you must
choose the following answer "Needs daily assistance not living
7. Again, in the "Medical and disability" section,
click on the plus sign + icon
to the right of the line "Canada caregivers amount to claim for
this dependant (line 30450) Quebec Schedule H - Eligibility
and dates of qualifying period for this dependant (Quebec line
462)", you must answer the questions regarding the qualifying
period for claiming this credit.
In the caregiver's file on line 462 the Quebec return, an amount
will be entered.
In addition, Schedule H will be generated by the program
and Part C, "Caregiver not cohabiting with an adult
with a disability", will be completed.
ID: 20211015091054DE.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20211015091054DE.htm