Different amount for Quebec and the Federal
The "Maple Leaf" icon which appears on the right side of
a field indicates that you can enter if applicable an amount for
Quebec that differs from the federal amount.
To correctly enter these amounts, you must do the following:
1. First, enter the federal amount. If you have no
federal slip in respect of that amount, type in the first field
2. Then, click on the "Maple Leaf" icon.
3. A box will be automatically generated for Quebec, where you
can enter the appropriate amount.
This "Maple Leaf" icon is found mainly in the following
sections or on the following pages:
A) On the page "T4 - Statement of Remuneration Paid (RL-1)
with QPP contributions".
B) On the "Interest, investment income and carrying
C) On the "Pension income, T4A".
D) On the "Medical expenses".
Note: Please pay special attention when the two
jurisdictions have separate slips according to their
ID: 20210928091630DE.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20210928091630DE.htm