Getting Started (2010 +)
Getting started with UFile ONLINE is easy. Below are
instructions to guide you through the process as a first time user.
You must first create your account.
1. Click
(you can also copy and paste the link in your web browser).
2. Click on the "Start your return ONLINE FOR
FREE!" button;
3. Click on "Create New Account".
Step 1 - Create your account
1. Create the user name. We recommend using something unique,
like your personal email address. Should be at least
6 characters long;
2. Create your password.
IMPORTANT! The password must be a minimum of
8 characters and must not include the following
symbols: ._!@#$%^&-+ .
3. Enter your email address;
NOTE: We suggest you USE your personal email
4. Re-enter your email address;
5. View the "license agreement" and tick
the box "I agree with Terms and Conditions of the license
6. Type in the letters and numbers you see in the image;
7. Click "Create my account".
Step 2 - Password reset options
By default the box "Enable password reset
(recommended)" is ticked, UFile will allow you to reset
the password by answering the security question.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can disable this
option; this will disallow ANY password reset requests for your
1. By default the "Primary email address" field
is completed;
2. Enter in a secondary email address or SMS. It is optional, but
we suggest you to complete this field in the event you can no
longer access your primary email address;
3. Choose a security question from the drop-down menu and enter
your answer;
4. Click Next.
Step -3 Finish
1.A welcome email containing your account details will be sent
to your primary email address. We suggest you print this page
or the email containing your account details, fill in the blank
(password and answer to security question) and save it in a secure
place for reference.
2.Click "Start" to prepare your tax return.
3.Choose the tax year and click
4. The tax year will appear on the Tax years
5. Click on the "LAUNCH" button for the desired
tax year.
6. The software will give you the following options:
- Start Now on a new tax
- Import an existing file:
UFile for Windows, TurboTax, H&R Block.
7. To enter your information, click on the "2
Interview" tab.
NOTE: To be able to use the option
to import a data file from the prior tax year, the program
used MUST have been a desktop product. Moreover this option is ONLY
available for the current year.
ID: 20130913141311NIXXX.xml
Webpage: KPW120-20130913141311NI.htm