You have left Canada - Emigrant
When a person emigrates from Canada, December 31 is
considered the day that he or she left the province or territory
where he /she resided.
To enter these changes, please follow the steps below.
1 - On the left-side menu of the
"Interview tab", select
"Identification" (the first item).
2 - On this page, go to the line "Province of residence
on December 31st 2019" Choose from the drop-down
menu the province that you lived in when you left
3 - Then, return to the left side menu and select
"Interview setup".
4 - In the page that appears to the right, check the box for
"Immigrant, emigrant, non-resident taxpayer, you are a
Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in the
year" and click "Next" at the bottom of
the page.
5 - Return to the left side menu and select "Interview
tab" and select the "Immigrant, emigrant,
non-resident" and in the right-side screen, and click on
the plus "+" icon to
the right of the line "You emigrated from Canada in
6 - On the page that appears, enter the information relevant to
your situation.
7 - Subsequently, enter all the information to complete your tax
You must mail your returns because they are not eligible for
electronic transmission.
For more information, visit the following link;
For the CRA:
For Revenu Québec:
ID: 20191125090126MA.xml
Webpage: KPA360-20191125090126MA.htm