T4 slip - Other information
The "Other information" is at the bottom of the T4 slip
and contains codes and amounts that are not numbered as in the
upper part of the T4. However, the back of your T4 slip you will
find more information about these boxes.
In the software you will find the section "Other information
(click on the triangle to see the list of choices)" at the
bottom of the page.
When you click the ''Triangle'' it will display
the lines that correspond to your requirements.
If you need to enter more than one item, click on
the plus sign "+" located
on the lower-right corner of the page.
For Quebec residents, some codes of the RL -1 are found such
as Box RL-1 211 and other boxes. Enter the amount
corresponding to the code on the T4 slip.
Also, for Quebec residents, the "Maple Leaf" icon, which
appears on the right-hand side of the amount field, indicates that
you can enter, if applicable, an amount for Quebec which differs
from the Federal amount.
If this is your case, you must proceed as follows:
1- First, enter the Federal amount. If you have no Federal tax
slips regarding this amount, enter $0.00.
2- Then, click on the "Maple Leaf" icon.
3- A box will be automatically generated for Quebec, where you can
enter the appropriate amount.
If in the "Other information" section there is no
corresponding line on your T4 slip or on your RL-1, leave this
section blank.
ID: 20210805124655NA.xml
Webpage: KPA390-20210805124655NA.htm