Childcare expenses - QPIP - T4E
For residents of Quebec, who receive benefits from the Quebec
Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP), you have received a T4E slip and a
RL-6 slip.
To claim your federal childcare expenses, enter the
amount on the page "T4E - Employment Insurance and other
benefits (RL-6)" on the line "Portion of the
benefits considered as earned income for child care". of
Box A of the RL-6 slip, while for Quebec daycare
expenses, you must enter the amount from Box A of the RL-6 slip
in box 36 of the T4E "Provincial Parental Insurance Plan
benefits (RL-6 boxes A)".
ID: 20210928105450DE.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20210928105450DE.htm