You were "Separated" and now you are
If you were previously separated and got divorced in 2021,
please follow the steps below:
1. On the "Left side menu of the Interview tab", under
"Identification", on the line "Marital Status on December
31, 2021", enter "Divorced" in the drop-down
menu to the right.
2. To the question "Did your marital status change
in 2021 (including separated for less than 90
days)?", answer "No change" from the drop-down menu.
The headings "Ex-spouse" and "Marital status
change" should not be generated by the program.
This will perform an update of your file with the government,
but there will be no tax implications in your file
ID: 20211027133948DE.xml
Webpage: KPA340-20211027133948DE.htm